Looking to add 5 or 5 Point belts to your Elise or Exige? This kits adds the needed mounting points to safely and securely mount the lap belts and 5/6 point belt.
This is the same setup that Lotus installs in the factory built cup race cars so it is a tried and true safe setup. Any purpose built race car has the seat belts mounted to the chassis vs the seat brackets to help spread the weight/force load in the event of an accident and these are no different. We feel this is the best/safest way to add harnesses to an Elise or Exige.
This kit will require drilling and is not reversible once installed.
One hole for each lap belt eyelet will need to be drilled.
6 holes for the 5/6 point bar will need to be drilled.
These are all unseen once the seat is mounted.
Please email or call us with any questions.